XML-Indexing-Demo - I propose this be moved to an "examples" area if we keep it at all.

parsers - Is anyone using the PDF parser here?

taglib - my bad in committing this in the first place - its not well implemented and of marginal use. I propose to remove it entirely.

miscellaneous - I propose that when moved to contrib/util.

similarity & spellchecker - I propose this be combined with the contrib/util.

Thoughts on these?

The contrib area should be useful add-ons to Lucene's core, and isn't really appropriate for examples/demos, it seems to me.

The tricky pieces are miscellaneous, similarity, and spellchecker. These are tiny by themselves and putting them in a util area and packaging them altogether seems ok to me at one level, but does it make more sense to keep these completely separate?

On a related note, should we combine snowball in with analyzers? Or leave it on its own still?


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