The Incubator requires the Lucene PMC vote on whether to accept the lucene4c codebase.

+1 from me.

Other Lucene PMC members - please cast your vote on this thread.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Cliff Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: February 17, 2005 5:12:36 AM EST
To: <>
Subject: RE: [PROPOSAL] Lucene4c


You're right that all new code bases should come through the Incubator.
However, the appropriate PMC to vote on whether it should be accepted
into the incubator is the sponsoring PMC, which in this case appears to
be the Lucene PMC.  (The Incubator PMC does sponsor some projects,
usually the ones that are expected to eventually be their own TLP.)

The Incubator PMC is responsible for supporting what comes in and voting
whether it is ready to graduate. So, once the Lucene PMC votes to
incubate it, the Incubator PMC will help you figure out exactly what
needs to be done and will then vote on graduation.

Hope that helps.


On Monday, February 14, 2005 10:58 AM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

On Feb 14, 2005, at 12:36 PM, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

On Feb 14, 2005, at 10:23 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

All donated code should really go through the Incubator, even if
only to do the required IP checklist.


By my question is why doesn't this go through the Lucene project?
The Lucene PMC could bring the codebase into their project and
register the IP stuff here w/ the incubator.

Is there some precedent for this? I'm not sure what is meant by "register the IP stuff here". Could you elaborate on what this entails.

I'd gladly bring the codebase into Lucene's repository if that is the
consensus.  It was created entirely by Garrett and he's agreed to
donate it, so the IP should be pretty clear cut.


I hope I'm just misunderstanding, but this appears to be a proposal to create a new project at the ASF called "Lucene4c"


On Feb 14, 2005, at 8:59 AM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

I presume this codebase is substantial enough that it requires
incubation?  Or because it was a single developer, could he
contribute it directly to the Lucene project and bypass


On Feb 14, 2005, at 8:35 AM, Garrett Rooney wrote:

I'd like to propose the Lucene4c project for incubation.

Lucene4c is a port of the Lucene search engine from Java to C,
using the Apache Portable Runtime library for portability.
The project is far from complete, and code to date is
primarily concerned with reading an existing Lucene index,
which must be created with another Lucene implementation
(currently only Java Lucene has been tested).  The plan is to
complete support for the rest of the index format and then
move on to implementing search functionality (beyond the
current proof of concept code anyway). Once we've reached
that point work will begin on actual indexing functionality
so that Lucene4c can stand alone, without the use of another
Lucene implementation for bootstrapping.

The project would be part of the new Lucene top leve project,
and Erik Hatcher has offerred to serve as a sponsor.

While I have yet to expand the community of developers
further than myself, I am anxious to do so, and I expect to
be able to draw both from people as of yet unassociated with
Lucene who have expressed interest in such a project and from
existing Lucene developers who have expressed interest in
establishing cross-language compatibility tests for the
various Lucene ports.

Lucene4c already has ties to existing ASF projects,
particularly Lucene itself and APR.  Bringing it into the ASF
would only strengthen those ties.

More details, including where to get the current release or
development versions of the code can be found at the Lucene4c
web site at


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 Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|] "There 10 types of people: those who
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