Lucene.Net has my +1.

Other PMC members please cast your vote also.

As for Garrett's concerns, it is my understanding that dotLucene is not based the previous Lucene.NET codebase. Though George mentions Lookout, Beagle, and some other projects - are these projects using the dotLucene codebase? I thought that Lookout used the previous Lucene.NET project.

George - could you clarify the lineage of your project and list what projects are using it specifically? Also, perhaps we should stick with calling this dotLucene for now to avoid confusion with the other codebase.


On Feb 17, 2005, at 11:14 AM, George Aroush wrote:

Proposal for new project Lucene.Net (aka dotLucene)

George Aroush -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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(0) rationale

Lucene.Net (aka dotLucene) is a source code port of Jakarta Lucene from Java
to C#. The port is a one-to-one port of Lucene's high and low level APIs,
public and internal APIs, and the underlying algorithms of Lucene as well as
the index format. Every Java file released with Jakarta Lucene is ported to
Lucene.Net C#. In addition, any index file generated with Lucene.Net is
100% cross compatible with Jakarta Lucene and via versa. Finally,
Lucene.Net preserves the look-and-feel of C#'s naming convention for
packages, classes, methods and documentation.

Lucene.Net 1.4.3 is currently a six-month-old open source project, and is
now hosted at and is backed by its own non-profit
organization. Since Lucene.Net is already based on Jakarta Lucene and thus
uses the Apache 2.0 license is therefore an appropriate candidate to be
moved to the Apache foundation.

I anticipate that Lucene.Net will join the recently proposed top-level project, with Lucene and its various ports.

(0.1) criteria


Lucene.Net has an established user community. However, the development
community currently consists of primarily George Aroush, the submitter of
this proposal.

Core Developers:

Currently, Lucene.Net has one active committer, George Aroush.


Lucene.Net currently users Visual Studio.Net 2003. In addition, it is being
used by Mono.

(0.2) warning signs

Orphaned products:

Lucene.Net is not an orphan.

Inexperience with open source:

Lucene.Net's committers are experienced with open source.

Homogenous developers:

Lucene.Net's committers do not all share an employer or nation. All
decisions are made openly on public mailing lists.

Reliance on salaried developers:

Lucene.Net has no salaried developers.

No ties to other Apache products:

Lucene.Net has strong ties to Lucene.

A fascination with the Apache brand:

Lucene.Net has a strong brand already. It has followers and projects based
on it such as Lookout, .Text, Beagle and Ascirum.

(1) scope of the subprojects

All code is currently licensed under the same license as Jakarta Lucene
which is Apache 2.0 license. I have not yet signed the Contributor License
Agreements but I look forward to it.

(3) identify the ASF resources to be created

(3.1) mailing list(s)

Same as Jakarta Lucene

(3.2) Subversion or CVS repositories


(3.3) Jira


(4) identify the initial set of committers

Same as Jakarta Lucene.

(5) identify apache sponsoring individual

Erik Hatcher, Doug Cutting, and Otis Gospodnetic.

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