I'm happy to announce the release of version 0.03 of Lucene4c, a port of Lucene to the C language using the Apache Portable Runtime.

This release adds several APIs for running operations over an entire index where previous versions only allowed you to do so with a single segment, improves a number of the error messages for various problems, adds explicit document and field objects, fixes the compound file stream code that was released in the previous version and last but not least adds doxygen style API documentation for the public APIs.

With luck this will be the last release before the project moves into the ASF incubator.

As usual, the new tarball (as well as previous versions) is available from the project web site:


HTML versions of the API docs are available at


If you just can't wait for the next version to get whatever halfway finished code I'm working on please feel free to grab it from Subversion at


As always, commentary, questions and patches are always welcome.


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