Just to be clear, there is a third option in all of this besides Attic or 
Incubator and it is what I wrote in the original email.  Remedy the 4 items 
(quoted below) and then go to the Board to be a Top Level Project.  Clearly, 
the life in this thread shows that #1 can be met if people are willing to back 
up their words with action (i.e. patches and discussion, etc.) and continue to 
show up on a regular basis not just as users but as contributors.  That action 
could very quickly lead to #2 and #3.  Action by some people on #2 and #3 then 
leads to #4, new blood in the project.  I think with 4-6 active committers and 
some sustained life and a clear process for doing the port, this would be a 
fine TLP and the community can then sink or swim on it's own.

As I said in the original email (quoted below), you have until the end of the 
year.  If the community withers away at this point, Lucene.NET will go into the 
Attic. If it steps up, it should be a viable TLP and can control it's own 
destiny under the PMC of it's choosing.

At this point, I'm going to _try_ to stop responding to this thread and let you 
all work out what you want to do as a community.  I believe I've made it clear 
the actions that need to be taken to show that there is a viable community 
here.  I also believe those actions are not onerous (some of them could have 
been fixed in the time it takes to read all the threads on this email) as I 
outlined above.

I will rely on George, as the PMC representative for this project, to report 
back to the PMC on the actions taken by the community to remedy the items below 
or to state that the community wishes to go either to the Incubator (a vote 
might be worthwhile here) or to the Attic and fork somewhere else under a 
different name.  If there is no report back by that time (call it January 1, 
2011) or no positive action to move the project forward in a healthy and 
sustainable way, then I will call a PMC vote to move Lucene.NET into the Apache 
Attic and then take the necessary steps to do so (and this is not something I 
want to do.)  


>> In order to remedy the situation, we would like the following things to be
>> done:
>> 1.  The community needs to show some (sustained) life.  Not just in code,
>> but in discussion of the project's future, etc.  We would expect the
>> committers to take a leadership role here.
>> 2. The community needs to do a real release that is voted on by the PMC.
>> 3. The webpage needs to be updated to reflect that those previous "source"
>> releases are not real releases and should be taken down.  Likewise, the news
>> section should not tout these non-releases as releases.  The website should
>> also meet the PMC Branding guidelines recently sent out.
>> 4. Identify some new blood for contributors/committers.  Or the current
>> committers need to step up more and take a lead role in the community.
>> We would like to see action on all of these things by the end of this year.
>> If they can't be met, there will be one of the following actions:
>> 1. Go back into Incubation
>> 2. Go into the Apache Attic.  If someone wants to take the code base and
>> fork it out as a project somewhere else under a new name that does not use
>> the Lucene trademark name (since that is owned by the ASF) than that is
>> perfectly acceptable under the Apache license.
>> If the conditions can be met, we think that the project should spin itself
>> out as its own Top Level ASF project with its own PMC so that its future
>> direction can be set by the stakeholders of the project and not by the
>> larger Lucene project as a whole.

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