
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Troy Howard <thowar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> +1 to all suggestions. Hudkins is my new favourite word. ;)
> One quick concern I have, is how much of the things listed are already
> available on the Apache hudson server? A lot of this is .NET specific, so
> unlikely that it will already be available. We'll have to request that ASF
> Infra team install these tools for us, and they may not agree, or there
> might be licensing issues, etc.. Not sure. I'd start the conversation with
> them now to suss this out.
> Specifically some thoughts:
> - FxCop/StyleCop/NCover/NDepend are a basics which should be viewed as a
> necessity for any serious .NET project
> - I love SandCastle and was about to bring that up on the list. We could
> keep rolling with NDoc. Either way.
> - I love Gallio/MbUnit/Moq... nunit not so much, but again, either would be
> fine.
> - Mono is going to be a requirement moving forward
> - Project structure was being discussed on the LUCENENET-377 thread. For
> the binary release, I used a structure similar to what you were describing,
> and the topic of applying that structure to trunk came up. This is something
> that we should discuss in detail before applying to trunk (my work was in a
> branch). We need to make sure directory structure remains relatively static,
> however, current structure needs a lot of improvement.. So now is a good
> time to change.
> Digy suggested:
> \build
> \contrib
> \core
> \core\Lucene.Net
> \core\Test
> \demo
> ... and in the recent binary release, I used a root \bin and \doc in the
> same way you suggested.
> As a combination of ideas, how about:
> Build Files:
> \build
> \build\VS2008
> \build\VS2010
> Source Projects:
> \src
>  \src\contrib
> \src\core
> \src\demo
>  \src\contrib\<project-name>
> \src\core\<project-name>
> \src\demo\<project-name>
> Test Projects:
> \test
> \test\contrib
> \test\core
> \test\demo
>  \test\contrib\<project-name>
> \test\core\<project-name>
> \test\demo\<project-name>
> Product Documentation:
> \doc
>  \doc\contrib
> \doc\core
> \doc\demo
>  \doc\contrib\<project-name>
> \doc\core\<project-name>
> \doc\demo\<project-name>
> Third-Party Dependencies:
> \lib
> \lib\<vendor>
> \lib\<vendor>\<product>
> \lib\<vendor>\<product>\<version>
> Binary Builds:
> \bin
>  \bin\contrib
> \bin\core
> \bin\demo
>  \bin\contrib\<project-name>
> \bin\core\<project-name>
> \bin\demo\<project-name>
> Thanks,
> Troy
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 11:10 PM, Michael Herndon <mhern...@o19s.com>wrote:
>> So the CI choices for Apache are the following:
>>    - Buildbot <http://ci.apache.org/#buildbot>
>>    - Continuum <http://ci.apache.org/#continuum>
>>    - Gump <http://ci.apache.org/#gump>
>>    - Hudson <http://ci.apache.org/#hudson>
>> There is a current discussion on the build list about moving with the name
>> shift of hudson to jenkins.
>> My vote is to go with hudkins [?] because it has been successfully used
>> for .net projects in the past and has plugins to help support that. Nothing
>> personal against python, but there seems to be more material on integration
>> .net builds inside of Hudson.
>> I've also used Hudson in the past so I can vouch that it does a decent
>> job. (This was a while ago, so I can only hope the number of plugins and
>> integration points have increased).
>> I'm going to do a bit more reading on the apache mailing list for builds
>> to see if there is an actual windows slave for hudson/jenkins (which shall
>> henceforth be called hudkins on this list, well at least by me).
>> Obviously the first priority will be getting a build set up and starting
>> simple. However to spark discussion and future planning: Here is a list of
>> other things to include or think about for the build process long term.
>> * fxcop - (this will probably need customized rules for strict java port
>> version)
>> * stylecop - (same)
>> * sandcastle - (building xml comments into documentation).
>> * sandcastle help file builder - (SHFB)
>> * code coverage tool - possibly seeing if we can get a code coverage tool
>> (possibly ncover as they used to give a free license to os projects),
>> * code metrics tool - (i.e. cyclomatic complexity, ndepend used to do the
>> same thing as ncover, thus worth investigating).
>> * gallio test runner vs nunit.  (gallio is testing automation tool capable
>> of running various testing frameworks and tools including nunit).
>> * extended msbuild tasks.
>> * mono build.
>> * project structure for the build. **
>> * insert _____ any other suggestions here.
>> I'll volunteer myself for the boring job of fixing up xml comments so
>> there is some meat and code examples inside xml comments so
>> the documentation generates more than just text and method signatures with
>> type information.
>> After some discussion in the list and unless there is show stopper or
>> killer reason not to go with hudkins. I'll notate the decision the jira and
>> start putting notes in the wiki about the CI.
>> notes:
>> -----------------
>> ** a common project structure/format or some variant there of, which might
>> be more intuitive for people that have worked on other foss projects.
>> trunk|root
>>   /src (source)
>>   /lib|vendor (dependencies)
>>   /tests (test code)
>>   /docs (documentation, architechture, diagrams, notes, etc)
>>   /bin (executables - bat, exe, cmd files, etc)
>> root documents (licenses,readme,etc)
>> - Michael

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