You need to close the analyzer.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Trevor Watson <> wrote:

> I'm using the following block of code.  The document is created in another
> function and written to the Lucene index via an IndexWriter
> private void SaveFileToFileInfo(Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter iw, bool
> delayCommit, string sDataPath)
>        {
>            Document doc = getFileInfoDoc(sDataPath);
>            Analyzer analyzer = clsLuceneFunctions.getAnalyzer();
>            if (this.FileID == 0)
>            {
>                string s = "";
>            }
>            iw.UpdateDocument(new Lucene.Net.Index.Term("FileId",
> this.fileID.ToString("000000000")), doc, analyzer);
>            analyzer = null;
>            doc = null;
>            if (!delayCommit)
>                iw.Commit();
>        }
> When the UpdateDocument line is commented out, everything seems to run
> fine.  When that line of code is run, it slowly creeps up.  However, it
> used to work on some computers and now works on 1 or 2, but fails on our
> client's computers.
> Is there an issue with UpdateDocument that I am not aware of in
> Thanks in advance.

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