
I have a little optimisation for the GermanStemmer.vb (in Contrib.Analyzers) class. At the moment the function "Substitute" converts the german "Umlaute" "ä" in "a", "ö" in"o" and "ü" in "u". This is not the correct german translation. They must be converted to "ae", "oe" and "ue". So I can write the name "Björn" or "Bjoern" but not "Bjorn". With this optimization a user can search for "Björn" and also find "Bjoern".

Here is the optimized code snippet:

               else if ( buffer[c] == 'ä' )
                    buffer[c] = 'a';
                    buffer.Insert(c + 1, 'e');
                else if ( buffer[c] == 'ö' )
                    buffer[c] = 'o';
                    buffer.Insert(c + 1,'e');
                else if ( buffer[c] == 'ü' )
                    buffer[c] = 'u';
                    buffer.Insert(c + 1,'e');

Thank You

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