Have you looked at the standard WordDelimiterFilter from Solr by chance? In
keeping with the spirit of Lucene.Net, I did a simple line-by-line
conversion from Java just a couple of days ago and it might fulfill your
needs. I'm going to try to attach it to this email - hopefully it doesn't
mess up the list engine.


     * Splits words into subwords and performs optional transformations on
subword groups.
     * Words are split into subwords with the following rules:
     *  - split on intra-word delimiters (by default, all non alpha-numeric
     *     - "Wi-Fi" -> "Wi", "Fi"
     *  - split on case transitions
     *     - "PowerShot" -> "Power", "Shot"
     *  - split on letter-number transitions
     *     - "SD500" -> "SD", "500"
     *  - leading and trailing intra-word delimiters on each subword are
     *     - "//hello---there, 'dude'" -> "hello", "there", "dude"
     *  - trailing "'s" are removed for each subword
     *     - "O'Neil's" -> "O", "Neil"
     *     - Note: this step isn't performed in a separate filter because of
possible subword combinations.
     * The <b>combinations</b> parameter affects how subwords are combined:
     *  - combinations="0" causes no subword combinations.
     *     - "PowerShot" -> 0:"Power", 1:"Shot"  (0 and 1 are the token
     *  - combinations="1" means that in addition to the subwords, maximum
runs of non-numeric subwords are catenated and produced at the same position
of the last subword in the run.
     *     - "PowerShot" -> 0:"Power", 1:"Shot" 1:"PowerShot"
     *     - "A's+B's&C's" -> 0:"A", 1:"B", 2:"C", 2:"ABC"
     *     - "Super-Duper-XL500-42-AutoCoder!" -> 0:"Super", 1:"Duper",
2:"XL", 2:"SuperDuperXL", 3:"500" 4:"42", 5:"Auto", 6:"Coder", 6:"AutoCoder"
     *  One use for WordDelimiterFilter is to help match words with
different subword delimiters.
     *  For example, if the source text contained "wi-fi" one may want
"wifi" "WiFi" "wi-fi" "wi+fi"
     *  queries to all match.
     *  One way of doing so is to specify combinations="1" in the analyzer
     *  used for indexing, and combinations="0" (the default) in the
     *  used for querying.  Given that the current StandardTokenizer
     *  immediately removes many intra-word delimiters, it is recommended
     *  this filter be used after a tokenizer that does not do this
     *  (such as WhitespaceTokenizer).
     *  @author yonik
     *  @version $Id: WordDelimiterFilter.java 472574 2006-11-08 18:25:52Z
yonik $

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 5:58 AM, Sudhanya Chatterjee <

> Hi,
> The StandardAnalyzer fulfills all requirements in our application, apart
> from one.
> Input text that goes for indexing is -
> My name is Sudhanya.Chatterjee is my second name. Cost of book is 50.6
> StandardTokenizer successfully tokenizes on punctuations.
> But if a dot is not followed by a space it considers it as one token.
> In above case "Sudhanya" "Chatterjee" should be considered as two tokens
> but
> 50.6 as one token.
> So if a dot is preceded or followed by a number it should be kept intact.
> This is one extra rule I want apart from the exsisting ones of a
> StandardAnalyzer.
> How to add the above requirement into the existing code of
> StandardAnalyzer?
> Taken into consideration that the rest of the rules are still required.
> Thanks,
> Sudhanya

13:37 - Someone stole the precinct toilet. The cops have nothing to go on.
14:37 - Officers dispatched to a daycare where a three-year-old was
resisting a rest.
21:11 - Hole found in nudist camp wall. Officers are looking into it.
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

/* Conversion from Java by Ben Martz, 25 Apr 2008 */

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Lucene.Net.Analysis;

namespace Portal.LuceneInterface
         * Splits words into subwords and performs optional transformations on 
subword groups.
         * Words are split into subwords with the following rules:
         *  - split on intra-word delimiters (by default, all non alpha-numeric 
         *     - "Wi-Fi" -> "Wi", "Fi"
         *  - split on case transitions
         *     - "PowerShot" -> "Power", "Shot"
         *  - split on letter-number transitions
         *     - "SD500" -> "SD", "500"
         *  - leading and trailing intra-word delimiters on each subword are 
         *     - "//hello---there, 'dude'" -> "hello", "there", "dude"
         *  - trailing "'s" are removed for each subword
         *     - "O'Neil's" -> "O", "Neil"
         *     - Note: this step isn't performed in a separate filter because 
of possible subword combinations.
         * The <b>combinations</b> parameter affects how subwords are combined:
         *  - combinations="0" causes no subword combinations.
         *     - "PowerShot" -> 0:"Power", 1:"Shot"  (0 and 1 are the token 
         *  - combinations="1" means that in addition to the subwords, maximum 
runs of non-numeric subwords are catenated and produced at the same position of 
the last subword in the run.
         *     - "PowerShot" -> 0:"Power", 1:"Shot" 1:"PowerShot"
         *     - "A's+B's&C's" -> 0:"A", 1:"B", 2:"C", 2:"ABC"
         *     - "Super-Duper-XL500-42-AutoCoder!" -> 0:"Super", 1:"Duper", 
2:"XL", 2:"SuperDuperXL", 3:"500" 4:"42", 5:"Auto", 6:"Coder", 6:"AutoCoder"
         *  One use for WordDelimiterFilter is to help match words with 
different subword delimiters.
         *  For example, if the source text contained "wi-fi" one may want 
"wifi" "WiFi" "wi-fi" "wi+fi"
         *  queries to all match.
         *  One way of doing so is to specify combinations="1" in the analyzer
         *  used for indexing, and combinations="0" (the default) in the 
         *  used for querying.  Given that the current StandardTokenizer
         *  immediately removes many intra-word delimiters, it is recommended 
         *  this filter be used after a tokenizer that does not do this
         *  (such as WhitespaceTokenizer).
         *  @author yonik
         *  @version $Id: WordDelimiterFilter.java 472574 2006-11-08 18:25:52Z 
yonik $
        class WordDelimiterFilter : TokenFilter
                private byte[] charTypeTable;

                public static byte LOWER = 0x01;
                public static byte UPPER = 0x02;
                public static byte DIGIT = 0x04;
                public static byte SUBWORD_DELIM = 0x08;

                // combinations: for testing, not for setting bits
                public static byte ALPHA = 0x03;
                public static byte ALPHANUM = 0x07;

                // TODO: should there be a WORD_DELIM category for
                // chars that only separate words (no catenation of subwords
                // will be done if separated by these chars?)
                // "," would be an obvious candidate...

                static byte[] defaultWordDelimTable;
                static WordDelimiterFilter()
                        byte[] tab = new byte[256];
                        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                                byte code = 0;
                                if (Char.IsLower((char)i)) code |= LOWER;
                                else if (Char.IsUpper((char)i)) code |= UPPER;
                                else if (Char.IsDigit((char)i)) code |= DIGIT;
                                if (code == 0) code = SUBWORD_DELIM;
                                tab[i] = code;
                        defaultWordDelimTable = tab;

                 * If 1, causes parts of words to be generated:
                 * <p/>
                 * "PowerShot" => "Power" "Shot"
                int generateWordParts;

                 * If 1, causes number subwords to be generated:
                 * <p/>
                 * "500-42" => "500" "42"
                int generateNumberParts;

                 * If 1, causes maximum runs of word parts to be catenated:
                 * <p/>
                 * "wi-fi" => "wifi"
                int catenateWords;

                 * If 1, causes maximum runs of number parts to be catenated:
                 * <p/>
                 * "500-42" => "50042"
                int catenateNumbers;

                 * If 1, causes all subword parts to be catenated:
                 * <p/>
                 * "wi-fi-4000" => "wifi4000"
                int catenateAll;

                 * @param in Token stream to be filtered.
                 * @param charTypeTable
                 * @param generateWordParts If 1, causes parts of words to be 
generated: "PowerShot" => "Power" "Shot"
                 * @param generateNumberParts If 1, causes number subwords to 
be generated: "500-42" => "500" "42"
                 * @param catenateWords  1, causes maximum runs of word parts 
to be catenated: "wi-fi" => "wifi"
                 * @param catenateNumbers If 1, causes maximum runs of number 
parts to be catenated: "500-42" => "50042"
                 * @param catenateAll If 1, causes all subword parts to be 
catenated: "wi-fi-4000" => "wifi4000"
                public WordDelimiterFilter(TokenStream inStream, byte[] 
charTypeTable, int generateWordParts, int generateNumberParts, int 
catenateWords, int catenateNumbers, int catenateAll)
                        : base(inStream)
                        this.generateWordParts = generateWordParts;
                        this.generateNumberParts = generateNumberParts;
                        this.catenateWords = catenateWords;
                        this.catenateNumbers = catenateNumbers;
                        this.catenateAll = catenateAll;
                        this.charTypeTable = charTypeTable;

                 * @param in Token stream to be filtered.
                 * @param generateWordParts If 1, causes parts of words to be 
generated: "PowerShot" => "Power" "Shot"
                 * @param generateNumberParts If 1, causes number subwords to 
be generated: "500-42" => "500" "42"
                 * @param catenateWords  1, causes maximum runs of word parts 
to be catenated: "wi-fi" => "wifi"
                 * @param catenateNumbers If 1, causes maximum runs of number 
parts to be catenated: "500-42" => "50042"
                 * @param catenateAll If 1, causes all subword parts to be 
catenated: "wi-fi-4000" => "wifi4000"
                public WordDelimiterFilter(TokenStream inStream, int 
generateWordParts, int generateNumberParts, int catenateWords, int 
catenateNumbers, int catenateAll)
                        : base(inStream)
                        this.generateWordParts = generateWordParts;
                        this.generateNumberParts = generateNumberParts;
                        this.catenateWords = catenateWords;
                        this.catenateNumbers = catenateNumbers;
                        this.catenateAll = catenateAll;
                        this.charTypeTable = defaultWordDelimTable;

                int CharType(char ch)
                        if (ch < charTypeTable.Length)
                                return charTypeTable[ch];
                        else if (Char.IsLower(ch))
                                return LOWER;
                        else if (Char.IsLetter(ch))
                                return UPPER;
                                return SUBWORD_DELIM;

                // use the type of the first char as the type
                // of the token.
                private int TokType(Token t)
                        return CharType(t.TermText()[0]);

                // There isn't really an efficient queue class, so we will
                // just use an array for now.
                private List<Token> queue = new List<Token>(4);
                private int queuePos = 0;

                // temporary working queue
                private List<Token> tlist = new List<Token>(4);

                private Token NewTok(Token orig, int start, int end)
                        // end appears to be erroneously named
                        return new Token(orig.TermText().Substring(start, end - 
                                        orig.StartOffset() + start,
                                        orig.StartOffset() + end,

                public override Token Next()

                        // check the queue first
                        if (queuePos < queue.Count)
                                return queue[queuePos++];

                        // reset the queue if it had been previously used
                        if (queuePos != 0)
                                queuePos = 0;

                        // optimize for the common case: assume there will be
                        // no subwords (just a simple word)
                        // Would it actually be faster to check for the common 
                        // of isLetter() isLower()*, and then backtrack if it 
doesn't match?

                        int origPosIncrement;
                        while (true)
                                Token t = input.Next();
                                if (t == null) return null;

                                String s = t.TermText();
                                int start = 0;
                                int end = s.Length;
                                if (end == 0) continue;

                                origPosIncrement = t.GetPositionIncrement();

                                // Avoid calling charType more than once for 
each char (basically
                                // avoid any backtracking).
                                // makes code slightly more difficult, but 
                                char ch = s[start];
                                int type = CharType(ch);

                                int numWords = 0;

                                while (start < end)
                                        // first eat delimiters at the start of 
this subword
                                        while ((type & SUBWORD_DELIM) != 0 && 
++start < end)
                                                ch = s[start];
                                                type = CharType(ch);

                                        int pos = start;

                                        // save the type of the first char of 
the subword
                                        // as a way to tell what type of 
subword token this is (number, word, etc)
                                        int firstType = type;
                                        int lastType = type;  // type of the 
previously read char

                                        while (pos < end)

                                                if (type != lastType)
                                                        // check and remove 
"'s" from the end of a token.
                                                        // the pattern to check 
for is
                                                        //   ALPHA "'" 
                                                        if ((lastType & ALPHA) 
!= 0)
                                                                if (ch == '\'' 
&& pos + 1 < end
&& (s[pos + 1] == 's' || s[pos + 1] == 'S'))
subWordEnd = pos;
                                                                        if (pos 
+ 2 >= end)
// end of string detected after "'s"
pos += 2;
// make sure that a delimiter follows "'s"
char ch2 = s[pos + 2];
int type2 = CharType(ch2);
if ((type2 & SUBWORD_DELIM) != 0)
        // if delimiter, move position pointer
        // to it (skipping over "'s"
        ch = ch2;
        type = type2;
        pos += 2;

queue.Add(NewTok(t, start, subWordEnd));
((firstType & ALPHA) != 0) numWords++;

                                                        // For case changes, 
only split on a transition from
                                                        // lower to upper case, 
not vice-versa.
                                                        // That will correctly 
handle the
                                                        // case of a word 
starting with a capital (won't split).
                                                        // It will also handle 
pluralization of
                                                        // an uppercase word 
such as FOOs (won't split).

                                                        if ((lastType & UPPER) 
!= 0 && (type & LOWER) != 0)
UPPER->LOWER: Don't split
                                                                // NOTE: this 
code currently assumes that only one flag
                                                                // is set for 
each character now, so we don't have
                                                                // to 
explicitly check for all the classes of transitions
                                                                // listed below.

                                                                // LOWER->UPPER
                                                                // *->DELIMITER
queue.Add(NewTok(t, start, pos));
                                                                if ((firstType 
& ALPHA) != 0) numWords++;

                                                if (++pos >= end)
                                                        if (start == 0)
                                                                // the subword 
is the whole original token, so
                                                                // return it 
                                                                return t;

                                                        Token newtok = 
NewTok(t, start, pos);

                                                        // optimization... if 
this is the only token,
                                                        // return it 
                                                        if (queue.Count == 0)
                                                                return newtok;

                                                        if ((firstType & ALPHA) 
!= 0) numWords++;

                                                lastType = type;
                                                ch = s[pos];
                                                type = CharType(ch);

                                        // start of the next subword is the 
current position
                                        start = pos;

                                // System.out.println("##########TOKEN=" + s + 
" ######### WORD DELIMITER QUEUE=" + str(queue));

                                int numtok = queue.Count;

                                // We reached the end of the current token.
                                // If the queue is empty, we should continue by 
                                // the next token
                                if (numtok == 0)

                                // if number of tokens is 1, always return the 
single tok
                                if (numtok == 1)

                                int numNumbers = numtok - numWords;

                                // check conditions under which the current 
                                // queue may be used as-is (no catenations 
                                if (catenateAll == 0    // no "everything" to 
                                  && (catenateWords == 0 || numWords <= 1)   // 
no words to catenate
                                  && (catenateNumbers == 0 || numNumbers <= 1)  
  // no numbers to catenate
                                  && (generateWordParts != 0 || numWords == 0)  
// word generation is on
                                  && (generateNumberParts != 0 || numNumbers == 
0)) // number generation is on

                                // swap queue and the temporary working list, 
then clear the
                                // queue in preparation for adding all 
combinations back to it.
                                List<Token> tmp = tlist;
                                tlist = queue;
                                queue = tmp;

                                if (numWords == 0)
                                        // all numbers
                                        AddCombos(tlist, 0, numtok, 
generateNumberParts != 0, catenateNumbers != 0 || catenateAll != 0, 1);
                                        if (queue.Count > 0) break; else 
                                else if (numNumbers == 0)
                                        // all words
                                        AddCombos(tlist, 0, numtok, 
generateWordParts != 0, catenateWords != 0 || catenateAll != 0, 1);
                                        if (queue.Count > 0) break; else 
                                else if (generateNumberParts == 0 && 
generateWordParts == 0 && catenateNumbers == 0 && catenateWords == 0)
                                        // catenate all *only*
                                        // OPT:could be optimized to add to 
current queue...
                                        AddCombos(tlist, 0, numtok, false, 
catenateAll != 0, 1);
                                        if (queue.Count > 0) break; else 

                                // Find all adjacent tokens of the same type.
                                Token tok = tlist[0];
                                bool isWord = (TokType(tok) & ALPHA) != 0;
                                bool wasWord = isWord;

                                for (int i = 0; i < numtok; )
                                        int j;
                                        for (j = i + 1; j < numtok; j++)
                                                wasWord = isWord;
                                                tok = tlist[j];
                                                isWord = (TokType(tok) & ALPHA) 
!= 0;
                                                if (isWord != wasWord) break;
                                        if (wasWord)
                                                AddCombos(tlist, i, j, 
generateWordParts != 0, catenateWords != 0, 1);
                                                AddCombos(tlist, i, j, 
generateNumberParts != 0, catenateNumbers != 0, 1);
                                        i = j;

                                // take care catenating all subwords
                                if (catenateAll != 0)
                                        AddCombos(tlist, 0, numtok, false, 
true, 0);

                                // NOTE: in certain cases, queue may be empty 
(for instance, if catenate
                                // and generate are both set to false).  Only 
exit the loop if the queue
                                // is not empty.
                                if (queue.Count > 0) break;

                        // System.out.println("##########AFTER COMBINATIONS:"+ 

                        queuePos = 1;
                        Token tok2 = queue[0];
                        return tok2;

                // index "a","b","c" as  pos0="a", pos1="b", pos2="c", 
                private void AddCombos(List<Token> lst, int start, int end, 
bool generateSubwords, bool catenateSubwords, int posOffset)
                        if (end - start == 1)
                                // always generate a word alone, even if 
generateSubwords=0 because
                                // the catenation of all the subwords *is* the 

                        StringBuilder sb = null;
                        if (catenateSubwords) sb = new StringBuilder();
                        Token firstTok = null;
                        Token tok = null;
                        for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
                                tok = lst[i];
                                if (catenateSubwords)
                                        if (i == start) firstTok = tok;
                                if (generateSubwords)

                        if (catenateSubwords)
                                Token concatTok = new Token(sb.ToString(),
                                // if we indexed some other tokens, then 
overlap concatTok with the last.
                                // Otherwise, use the value passed in as the 
position offset.
== true ? 0 : posOffset);

                // questions:
                // negative numbers?  -42 indexed as just 42?
                // dollar sign?  $42
                // percent sign?  33%
                // downsides:  if source text is "powershot" then a query of 
"PowerShot" won't match!

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