i know the reason
=_=, the optz is running,but it's just slowly, so slowly,

2008/7/11 David Gao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> the index is created by indexwriter.AddIndexesNoOptimize using lucene.net 2.1
> at last it is about 350M,and has about 6000 cfg files
> but it can;t be optimized now,the Optimize programe running about 5
> hours and the system shows its io read is about 58G,write about 43G
> in the index directory, i find that, some files are created(like
> *.tis,*.tii,*.frq,*.cfg...),but serverl minutes later it only leaves
> two files :segments.gen and write.lock
> and then these files created again and again,...
> it looks like that the optz is in endless loop..
> why??thanks:)
> and this is my code
>                            reader = IndexReader.Open(spath);
>                                IndexWriter indexwriter = null;
>                                try
>                                {
>                                    Directory directory =
> FSDirectory.GetDirectory(spath, false);
>                                    indexwriter = new
> IndexWriter(directory, new StandardAnalyzer(), false);
>                                    indexwriter.Optimize();
>                                    _log.Info("☆Lucene Make
> Optimized." + directory);
>                                    directory.Close();
>                                }
>                                finally
>                                {
>                                    if (indexwriter != null)
>                                    {
>                                        indexwriter.Close();
>                                    }
>                                }

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