What analyzer are you using at search-time?

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 1:13 PM, Frank Doyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've run into a problem indexing/searching for a string that has too many
> digits in it.  The number of digits seems to vary a bit, but it seems to
> fail at around 10 consecutive digits or more.  Here are some examples of
> indexed fields and the search terms that are either failing or succeeding.
> I'm indexing this field as a keyword (Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED,
> Field.Store.YES) and using a standard analyzer for everything.
> indexed:
>  1212121212121212
> failed search:
>  1212121212121212
>  121212121212121*
>  12121212121212*
>  1212121212121*
>  121212121212*
>  12121212121*
> successful search:
>  1212121212*
>  121212121*
>  12121212*
>  1212121*
>  121212*
> //The alpha characters breaking up the numbers seem make this string
> properly searchable.
> indexed:
>  1212f1212f1212f1
> successful search:
>  1212f1212f1212f1
>  1212f1212f1212f*
> indexed:
>  a121212121212121
> failed search:
>  a121212121212121
>  a12121212121212*
>  a1212121212121*
>  a121212121212*
>  a12121212121*
> successful search:
>  a1212121212*
>  a121212121*
>  a12121212*
>  a1212121*
> indexed:
>  a999999999999999
> failed search:
>  a999999999999999
> successful search:
>  a99999999999999*
> indexed:
>  9999999999999999
> failed search:
>  9999999999999999
> successful search:
>  999999999999999*

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