My index has 2M documents. Any search with a term query and a simple custom
hit collector takes under 20ms. How large is your index? Can you use
RAMDirectory and make IndexReader read-only. That speeds things up.

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 10:05 PM, Jokin Cuadrado <> wrote:

> Lucene has a "cold start time" depending how big is your index, I
> think that you should make some searches (50 for example) for warming
> all the internal caches.
> As you are searching just for an exact match that doesn't return much
> results, the throughput should be higher.
> However, the test that you are making is not very representative,
> because you are using Lucene like a giant hashtable, without knowing
> what are going to be the usual queries and the average hit number,
> it's difficult to guess any optimization suggestion.
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 4:58 AM, Ron Grabowski <>
> wrote:
> > searcher
> --
> Jokin

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