I've not done it, but I believe you can just add another field with the same name. The process of appending the second value for the field happens internally. Check the javadocs for 2.4 under the Document.Add method where the field is added to the document to confirm.


On Nov 7, 2009, at 3:37 AM, André Maldonado <andre.maldon...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Nitin. Understood, but how I do it?

What method I have to use to add multiple values?


"Então aproximaram-se os que estavam no barco, e adoraram-no, dizend o: És
verdadeiramente o Filho de Deus." (Mateus 14:33)

On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 03:13, Nitin Shiralkar <nit...@coreobjects.com>wrote:

Yes, you can add multiple values using same field name and all the values would get indexed. So your searches would work fine. However since you are storing the field, you need to remember that Lucene will only return last value indexed under that field. If you intend to retrieve all values, then you can consider adding a dummy field with all values concatenated together.

-----Original Message-----
From: André Maldonado [mailto:andre.maldon...@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2009 12:55 AM
To: lucene-net-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Multi-valued fields

Hi all.

There's a way to create a multi-valued field in Lucene.net? Something like?

Field f = new Field("categories", "", Field.Store.YES,
f.AddValue("black cat")
f.AddValue("brown horse")


"Então aproximaram-se os que estavam no barco, e adoraram-no, dize ndo: És
verdadeiramente o Filho de Deus." (Mateus 14:33)

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