this was a big boolean query, with several prefixqueries but no wildcard
queries in the or-branches.

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Cutting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 12. november 2001 17:41
To: Lucene Users List
Subject: RE: Memory Usage?

This was a single query?  How many terms, and of what type are in the query?
>From the trace it looks like there could be over 40,000 terms in the query!
Is this a prefix or wildcard query?  These can generate *very* large


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anders Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 6:59 AM
> To: Lucene Users List
> Subject: RE: Memory Usage?
> I am not very familiar with the output of -Xrunhprof, but
> I've attached the
> output of a run of a search through and index of 50.000
> documents. It gave
> me out-of-memory errors until I allocated 100 megabytes of heap-space.
> The top 10:
> SITES BEGIN (ordered by live bytes) Sun Nov 11 15:50:31 2001
>           percent         live       alloc'ed  stack class
>  rank   self  accum    bytes objs   bytes objs trace name
>     1 26.41% 26.41% 12485200 12005 45566560 43814  1783 [B
>     2 25.18% 51.59% 11904880 11447 44867680 43142  1796 [B
>     3  4.15% 55.74%  1962904 69214 171546352 5510292  1632 [C
>     4  3.83% 59.58%  1812096 3432 1812096 3432  1768 [I
>     5  3.83% 63.41%  1812096 3432 1812096 3432  1769 [I
>     6  3.34% 66.75%  1580688 65862 130618992 5442458  1631
> java.lang.String
>     7  3.19% 69.95%  1509584 44763 1509584 44763   458 [C
>     8  3.03% 72.98%  1432416 44763 1432416 44763   459
> org.apache.lucene.index.TermInfo
>     9  2.27% 75.25%  1074312 44763 1074312 44763   457
> java.lang.String
>    10  2.23% 77.48%  1053792 65862 87079328 5442458  1631
> org.apache.lucene.index.Term
> and the top 3 traces were:
> TRACE 1783:
> TRACE 1796:
> 100)
> TRACE 1632:
>         java.lang.String.<init>(
> org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentTermEnum.readTerm(SegmentTermEn
> org.apache.lucene.index.TermInfosReader.scanEnum(TermInfosRead
> I've attached the whole trace as gzipped.txt
> regards,
> Anders Nielsen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug Cutting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 10. november 2001 04:35
> To: 'Lucene Users List'
> Subject: RE: Memory Usage?
> I'm surprised that your memory use is that high.
> An IndexReader requires:
>   one byte per field per document in index (norms)
>   one open file per file in index
>   1/128 of the Terms in the index
>     a Term has two pointers (8 bytes)
>      and a String (4 pointers = 24 bytes, one to 16-bit chars)
> A Search requires:
>   1 1024 byte buffer per TermQuery
>   2 128 int buffers per TermQuery
>   2 1024 byte buffers per PhraseQuery term
>   1 1024 element bucket array per BooleanQuery
>     each bucket has 5 fields, and hence requires ~20 bytes
>   1 bit per document in index per DateFilter
> A Hits requires:
>   up to n+100 ScoreDocs (float+int, 8 bytes)
>     where n is the highest Hits.doc(n) accessed
>   up to 200 Document objects
> I may have forgotten something...
> Let's assume that your 1M document index has 2M unique terms,
> and that you
> only look at the top-100 hits, that your index has three
> fields, and that
> the typical document has two stored fields, each 20 characters.  Your
> 30-term boolean query over a 1M document index should use around the
> following numbers of bytes:
>   IndexReader:
>     3,000,000 (norms)
>     1,000,000 (1/128 of 2M terms, each requiring ~50 bytes)
>   during search
>        50,000 (TermQuery buffers)
>        20,000 (BooleanQuery buckets)
>       100,000 (DateFilter bit vector)
>   in Hits
>         2,000 (200 ScoreDocs)
>        30,000 (up to 200 cached Documents)
> So searches should run in a 5Mb heap.  Are my assumptions off?
> You can also see why it is useful to keep a single
> IndexReader and use it
> for all queries.  (IndexReader is thread safe.)
> You could also 'java -Xrunhprof:heap=sites' to see what's
> using memory.
> Doug
> --
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