We're having a heck of a time with too many file handles around here.  When
we create large indexes, we often get thousands of temporary files in a
given index!  Even worse, we just plain run out of file handles--even on
boxes where we've upped the limits as much as we think we can!  We've played
around with various settings for the mergeFactor and maxMergeDocs, but these
seem to have at best an indirect effect on the number of temporary files

I'm not very familiar with the Lucene file system yet, so can someone
briefly explain how Lucene works on creating an index?  How does it
determine when to create a new temporary file in the index and when does it
decide to compress the index?  Also, is there any way we could limit the
number of file handles used by Lucene?

This is becoming a huge problem for us, so any insight would be appreciated.


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