there are some strange problems with FSDirectory, i have found that building 
chuncks in a RAMDirectory and then merge these into a FSDirectory is more 
stable than indexing directly into the FSDirectory, i ran into your problem 
and the dreaded "too many open files" problems when indexing large documents 
with many fields....

using a RAMDir as a middle man solved my problems...

mvh karl řie

On Friday 26 April 2002 13:54, petite_abeille wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm starting to wander how "bullet proof" are Lucene indexes? Do they
> get corrupted easely? If so is there a way to rebuild them?
> I'm started to get the following exception left and right...
> "04/25 18:34:39 (Warning) Indexer.indexObjectWithValues:
> _91.fnm already exists"
> I build a little app ( that uses
> Lucene quiet extensively, and I would like to keep it that way. However,
> I'm starting to have second thought about Lucene's reliability... :-(
> I'm sure I'm doing something wrong somewhere, but I really cannot see
> what...
> Any help or insight greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.
> PA.

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