Hi all.

Sorry about this, but this may seem like a silly question. (I have read
the FAQs, the mailing list archive, and I am just _not quite_ sure!)

Firstly, an admission. I am not a good java coder, and am happier in
perl. So I actually use a perl module (Inline::Java) to give me all the
lucene goodness from an enviorment I am comfortable with. And it works a

Now, the question.

I have a set of documents, all indexed using the SimpleAnalyser. Fine
and dandy.

Now, when I search, I want results back that definitely contain the
search string. Definitely, definitely. Serious consequences for me if
they don't.

Am I right in that just adding a + to the start of the query string does
this? I think it does, I guess I just want reassurance!

Thanks for your time,

What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

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