Hi all,

I just started trying to use Lucene to index approximately 13,000 XML documents representing biological data..each document is approximately 20-30KB.

I modified some code from cocoon components to use SAX to parse my documents and create Lucene Documents. This process is very quick.

The following code is where i started off to write the index to disk.

writer = new IndexWriter(fsd, analyzer, true);

Iterator myit = docList.iterator();
while(myit.hasNext()) {

This is taking much more time than expected. I'm using the StandardAnalyzer, and my XML data is about 20-30Kb per file. The indexing is taking approximately 2-3 seconds per document and as the index grows it gets significantly slower. I'm running this on a 2.4GHz linux machine with 1GB ram.

I tried a few different stragegies, but i end up with too many files open exceptions.

I don't think it should progressively slow down in proportion to the size of the index. Is this assumption wrong?

Am i doing something wrong? is there a way to utilize the memory more and the filesystem less and just dump the index periodically?

any help would be appreciated..thanks

Marc Dumontier Intermediate Developer
Blueprint Initiative
Mount Sinai Hospital

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