Hi all,

        Sorry for the flood of questions this week, clients finally started using
the search engine I wrote which uses Lucene.  When I first started
developing with Lucene the Analyzers it came with did some odd things so I
decided to implement my own but it is not working the way I expect it to.
First and foremost I would like to like to have case insensitive searches
and I do not want to tokenize the fields.  No field will ever have a space
in it so therefore there is no need to tokenize it.  I came up with this
Analyzer but case still seems to be an issue:

  public TokenStream tokenStream(String field, final Reader reader) {

        // do not tokenize any field
        TokenStream t = new CharTokenizer(reader) {
            protected boolean isTokenChar(char c) {
                return true;

        //case insensitive search
        t = new LowerCaseFilter(t);
        return t;

Is there anything I am doing wrong in the Analyzer I have written?



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