Hi Dan,

I'm not sure whats going on there, I've checked the moveNext & it seems OK. It seems that somehow the page got indexed twice, or two hits are being returned for some reason. I cant replicate get this tho so I'd aprreciate any more info you might be able to give me - e.g. if you comment out the setDocumentURL (so that only metadata is indexed) and change the query to to something like "title:jboss", does it sill return two hits. Also there are some unit tests in the ejindexXX_tests.zip file you might want to run - this has a bunch of tests that test the service both locally and remotely - these should(!) fail if there is a problem and hopefully give more indication as to what the problem might be.

Thanks for your feedback!

Andy Scholz

Hi Andy
This looks like a very useful MBean (quite a bit more developed than the one I was working on).

One quick query on the quickstart example though, when I run it I get the output twice:

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