1. You need to use MultiFieldQueryParser
2. I think you should use PorterStemFilter instead of fuzzy query

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Woon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 12:54 AM
Subject: Newbie Questions

Hi all...

I've been playing with Lucene for a couple days now and I have a couple 
questions I'm hoping some one can help me with.  I've created a Lucene 
index with data from a database that's in several different fields, and 
I want to set up a web page where users can search the index.  Ideally, 
all searches should be as google-like as possible.  In Lucene terms, I 
guess this means the query should be fuzzy.  For example, if someone 
searches for "cancer" then I'd like to get back all resuls with any form

of the word cancer in the term ("cancerous", "breast cancer", etc.).

So far, I seem to be having two problems:

1) How can I search all fields at the same time?  The QueryParser seems 
to only search one specific field.

2) How can I automatically default all searches into fuzzy mode?  I 
don't want my users to have to know that they must add a "~" at the end 
of all their terms.


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