Hello all, 

I have recently indexed approx 15.8 million XML documents in which I index
the contents certain elements (titles, states, dates to name a few).  I have
27 separate indices and use a MultiSearcher to search these indices.  

When I search on the title and state fields with multiple terms searching is
very fast.  For example I get a hit count of 227, 000 in .4 seconds.  But
when I throw a date range in the search, performance suffers significantly.

My query would look something like this: LongTitle:killeen AND
LongTitle:state AND StateDistrict:id AND FiledDate:["1997-01-01" TO
"2002-04-04"] and it returned in 
5.7 seconds

Does anyone have any suggestions for searching date ranges.  Our ranges will
generally be between a 3 - 7 year period.


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