I'm going to swap in the neko HTML parser for the demo refactorings I'm doing. I would be all for replacing the demo HTML parser with this.

If you look at the Ant <index> task in the sandbox, you'll see that I used JTidy for it and it works well, but I've heard that neko is faster and better so I'll give it a try.


On Thursday, September 18, 2003, at 04:50 PM, Michael Giles wrote:

I know, I know, the HTML Parser in the demo is just that (i.e. a demo), but I also know that it is updated from time to time and performs much better than the other ones that I have tested. Frustratingly, the very first page I tried to parse failed (<http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/54/32593.html>http:// www.theregister.co.uk/content/54/32593.html). It seems to be choking on tags that are being written inside of JavaScript code (i.e. document.write('</scr' + 'ipt>');. Obviously, the simple solution (that I am using with another parser) is to just ignore everything inside of <script> tags. It appears that the parser is ignoring text inside script tags, but it seems like it needs to be a bit smarter (or maybe dumber) about how it deals with this (so it doesn't get confused by such occurrences). I see a bug has been filed regarding trouble parsing JavaScript, has anyone given it thought?

Outside of the HTML parsing, all is well (and outside of a few pages, the parser is a champ).


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