
I am new in opencms and lucene tecnology. 

I won index pdf files, and index de content of this files.

I work in this way:

Make a PDFDocument class like JspDocument class. 
use org.textmining.text.extraction.PDFExtractor class, this class work fine out of vfs.

and write my registry.xml for pdf document, in plainDocFactory tag.

                    <fileType name="pdftext">
                        <!-- This will strip tags before processing -->

my PDFDocument content this code:
I think that the probrem is how take the content from CmsFile?, what InputStream use?
PDFExtractor work with extractText(InputStream) method.

public class PDFDocument implements I_DocumentConstants, I_DocumentFactory {

public PDFDocument(){


public Document Document(CmsObject cmsobject, CmsFile cmsfile)

throws CmsException 


return Document(cmsobject, cmsfile, null);


public Document Document(CmsObject cmsobject, CmsFile cmsfile, HashMap hashmap)

throws CmsException


Document document=(new BodylessDocument()).Document(cmsobject, cmsfile);

//put de content in the pdf file.

String contenido = new String(cmsfile.getContents());

StringBufferInputStream in = new StringBufferInputStream(contenido);

// ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(contenido.getBytes());

/* try{

FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream (cmsfile.getPath() + cmsfile.getName());


PDFExtractor extractor = new PDFExtractor();

String body = extractor.extractText(in);

document.add(Field.Text("body", body));

/* }catch(FileNotFoundException e){


throw new CmsException();



return (document);


PD: Sorry for my poor english.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hartmann, Waehrisch & Feykes GmbH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: [opencms-dev] (no subject)

> Hi Ben,
> i think this won't work since the plainDocFactory will only be used for
> files of type "plain" but not for files of type "binary".
> Recently we have done some additions to the module - by order of Lenord,
> Bauer & Co. GmbH - that could meet your needs. It introduces a more flexible
> way of defining docFactories that you can add new factories without having
> to recompile the whole module. So other modules (like the news) can bring
> their own docFactory and all you have to do is to edit the registry.xml.
> Here is an example:
>             <docFactories>
>                 <docFactory enabled="true" type="plain">
>                     <fileType name="plaintext">
>                         <extension>.txt</extension>
> <class>net.grcomputing.opencms.search.lucene.PlainDocument</class>
>                     </fileType>
>                 </docFactory>
>                 <docFactory enabled="true" type="news">
> <class>net.grcomputing.opencms.search.lucene.NewsDocument</class>
>                 </docFactory>
>             </docFactories>
> To index binary files all you need to add is this:
>            <docFactory enabled="true" type="binary">
> <class>net.grcomputing.opencms.search.lucene.BodylessDocument</class>
>            </docFactory>
> There should be no need for an extension mapping.
> For the interested people:
> For ContentDefinitions (like news) i introduced the following:
>             <contentDefinitions>
>                 <contentDefinition type="news"> <!-- must match docFactory
> type -->
> <class>com.opencms.modules.homepage.news.NewsContentDefinition</class>
> <initClass>net.grcomputing.opencms.search.lucene.NewsInitialization</initCla
> ss>
>                     <listMethod name="getNewsList">
>                         <param type="java.lang.Integer">1</param>
>                         <param type="java.lang.String">-1</param>
>                     </listMethod>
>                     <page uri="/news.html?__element=entry">
>                         <param method="getIntId" name="newsid"/>
>                     </page>
>                 </contentDefinition>
> In short:
> initClass is optional: For the news the news classes have to be loaded to
> initialize the db pool.
> listMethod: a method of the content definition class that returns a List of
> elements
> page: the page that can display an entry. Here a jsp that has a template
> element "entry". It also needs the id of the news item.
> getIntId is a method of the content definition class and newsid is the url
> parameter the page needs. A link like
> news.html?__element=entry&newsid=xy
> will be generated.
> Best regards,
> Stephan
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ben Rometsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 6:15 AM
> Subject: [opencms-dev] (no subject)
> > Hi Matt,
> >
> > I am not having any joy! I've updated my registry.xml file, with the
> > appropriate section reading:
> >
> > <luceneSearch>
> > <mergeFactor>100000</mergeFactor>
> > <permCheck>true</permCheck>
> > <indexDir>c:\search</indexDir>
> >
> > <analyzer>org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer</analyzer>
> > <subsearch>true</subsearch>
> > <project>online</project>
> > <docFactories>
> > <pageDocFactory enabled="true">
> >
> > <class>net.grcomputing.opencms.search.lucene.PageDocument</class>
> > </pageDocFactory>
> > <plainDocFactory enabled="true">
> > <fileType name="plaintext">
> > <extension>.txt</extension>
> >
> > <class>net.grcomputing.opencms.search.lucene.PlainDocument</class>
> > </fileType>
> > <fileType name="taggedtext">
> > <extension>.html</extension>
> > <extension>.htm</extension>
> > <extension>.xml</extension>
> > <!-- This will strip tags before processing
> > -->
> >
> > <class>net.grcomputing.opencms.search.lucene.TaggedPlainDocument</class>
> > </fileType>
> >
> > <!-- Index binary documents -->
> > <fileType name="plaindocument">
> > <extension>.doc</extension>
> > <extension>.xls</extension>
> > <extension>.pdf</extension>
> >
> > <class>net.grcomputing.opencms.search.lucene.BodylessDocument</class>
> > </fileType>
> >
> > </plainDocFactory>
> > <jspDocFactory enabled="true">
> >
> > <class>net.grcomputing.opencms.search.lucene.JspDocument</class>
> > </jspDocFactory>
> > <xmlTemplateDocFactory enabled="false"/>
> > </docFactories>
> > <directories>
> > <directory location="/release/">
> > <section>Test</section>
> > <subsearch>true</subsearch>
> > </directory>
> > <directory location="/RGLIntranet/">
> > <section>Test2</section>
> > <subsearch>true</subsearch>
> > </directory>
> > </directories>
> > </luceneSearch>
> >
> > Notice the section beginning after the remark "Index binary documents".
> >
> > But I cannot get any hits when searching for document names that are in
> the
> > VFS. The other (HTML) searches are working ok. Is the "name" property of
> the
> > fileType tag important? I wasn't sure what to add here...I'm not quite
> sure
> > how to move forward. Maybe it would be an idea to add some debugging trace
> > to the BodylessDocument class to see what is going on inside it? I want to
> > make sure my XML is correct first tho!
> >
> > Thanks for the help,
> > Ben
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 22:46, Ben Rometsch wrote:
> > > Hi Matt,
> > >
> > > Thanks for the reply. If I just want to get the document title to be
> > > included in the Lucene index, looking at the code in the
> > > net.grcomputing.opencms.search.BodylessDocument class it appears to
> ignore
> > > what the CMSObject is, and attempt to index it regardless. Is this
> > correct?
> > >
> >
> > Correct. It will already index the title, but it will not attempt to
> > index the body.
> >
> > > If this is the case, is it simply a matter of instructing Lucene to
> index
> > > obects other than HTML files in the VFS  (i.e. Documents) ? Or would I
> > have
> > > to create another class, something like
> > > net.grcomputing.opencms.search.FileDocument and add a new hook into that
> > > class via the registry.xml fragment?  Or does the BodyLess document
> > provide
> > > this functionality, and it's just a matter of adding a new XML fragment
> to
> > > the registry.xml are?
> >
> > Again, you are right -- simply adding the appropriate configuration to
> > the registry.xml file will suffice. I believe that you will just need to
> > extend the plainDocument tag set to include extensions and processors...
> > I _think_ that binary files get handled by the plain handler.
> >
> > Matt
> >
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> Stephan Hartmann
> Unternehmensberatung Währisch & Feykes GmbH
> Gustav-Adolf-Str. 5
> 47057 Duisburg
> Tel.: 0203-373070
> Fax: 0203-376766
> Internet: www.wfnetz.de
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