Offhand, I would say that using 2 directories and merging them is exactly what you waht. It really shouldn't be all that complicated and Lucene should handle the synchronization for you...


Dror Matalon wrote:

Hi folks,

We're in the process of adding search to our online RSS aggregator. You
can see it in action at

Currently we have more than five million items in the systems and it's
growing at the rate of more than 100,00 a day.  So we need to take into
account is that the index is constantly growing.

One of the things we want to build into the system is the ability to
rebuild the index on the fly while still inserting the items that are
coming in.

We've looked at having things go into different directories and then
merge them, but it seems complicated and we'd need to worry about race
conditions and locking issues.

Anyone's done this before? Any suggestions?



-- ...there is nothing more difficult to execute, nor more dubious of success, nor more dangerous to administer than to introduce a new order to things; for he who introduces it has all those who profit from the old order as his enemies; and he has only lukewarm allies in all those who might profit from the new. - Niccolo Machiavelli

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