On Wednesday, November 26, 2003, at 06:12 AM, Dragan Jotanovic wrote:
You will need to write a custom analyzer. Don't worry, though.... it's
quite straightforward. You will also need to write a Tokenizer, but
Lucene helps you a lot here.

Wouldn't I achieve the same result if I index "time out" like "time_out",
using StandardAnalyzer and later if I search for "time out" (inside quotes)
I should get proper result, but if I search for "time" I shouldn't get
result. Is this right?

I'm confused on what you are planning doing. Are you going to replace all spaces with an underscore before handing it to the analyzer? StandardAnalyzer will still split at the underscores though.

If you have special tokenization needs, why try to hack it somehow rather than address it cleanly in the way Lucene was designed to work?


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