Could you add a Lucene logo somewhere on your search results, as noted
here: ?


--- Ulrich Mayring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> we (DENIC) are the world's second largest domain registry (.de-zone
> has 
> almost 6.9 million domains) and are using Lucene to index and search
> our 
> website in a high-traffic scenario. Most of our web pages are
> available 
> in English in addition to our native language German. If you want to
> try 
> our Lucene-based search engine, please start here:
> Use the input field on the page to search our website. Don't use the 
> input field at the top right, that is only for searching domains in
> our 
> domain database, it has nothing to do with Lucene.
> The indexes for German and English are seperate, so you should find
> only 
> English pages from that page.
> A somewhat interesting feature is the summarizer, on the results page
> you'll get a short summary of the page. These are not hand-written 
> blurbs, rather they are generated automatically from the HTML pages
> at 
> indexing time. I'd be especially interested in improvement
> suggestions 
> in this area.
> Naturally, the automatically generated texts don't have the same
> quality 
> as hand-written ones. But they're better than nothing and in my eyes 
> more useful than Google-style excerpts. How many times has it
> happened 
> to you that the Google excerpt doesn't really tell you anything,
> because 
> it's totally out of context? Summaries tell you what the whole page
> is 
> about, irregardless of the context within which your search terms may
> appear. After reading the summary you should (hopefully) be able to 
> decide whether the page contains the info you're looking for.
> Comments 
> welcome!
> We're using the snowball stemmers/analyzers for German and English, 
> custom stopword lists and the HTML parser from the Sourceforge 
> htmlparser project. Apart from that it's vanilla Lucene.
> cheers,
> Ulrich
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