You're missing something in your explanation. Lucene does not create XML files.

On Jan 15, 2004, at 11:35 AM, Pierce, Tania wrote:

Let me preface this by saying I am a total beginner to
apache/java/tomcat/cocoon etc.  I'm thankfully fluent in xml/xslt or
this would be a nightmare.

Anyway, I have been given the task to figure out why one of our sites
continues to chew up memory and never releases it to the point where I
have to stop and start the tomcat service on a daily basis. We're using
tomcat 4.1.24, j2se on a win2k server (isapi redirect through
iis). Our site is made of up of a repository of xml docs (2,000 or so)
which get chewed up and spit out as html thanks to transforms set forth
in our cocoon pipeline. We have lucene in place to create large xml
files (in memory) so that certain web pages don't have to loop through
hundreds of smaller xml files; instead, the xslt loops through the nodes
contained in the in-memory xml doc that's created for us by lucene.

So my manager had me set up a mirror site on a different machine running
all of the above EXCEPT no IIS, our web server is Apache 2.0 (to rule
out IIS, which I don't think is the issue anyway). Everything on this
mirror site works except lucene. I can rebuild the lucene index by
running a .bat file our vendor wrote for us and it runs w/o error.
However, when I take a look at the resulting aggregate xml docs
(cached), they're empty. To top it off, the cocoon pipeline seems to be
trying to apply our xsl templates to the cached xml docs... There are no
errors in any of the log files.

Any ideas? What do I need to do (as clearly as you can please, I have
just enough knowledge on all this java/apache/tomcat/cocoon to be
dangerous) to get lucene to write out the index to memory? It's running
through the docs it should be indexing (I can watch the output to the
cmd screen). This all works fine on our live site, I literally copied
over the webapps directory and a few tomcat/cocoon files (web.xml,
cocoon.xconf, etc). I can say that w/ the exception of IIS/isapi
redirect, the set up and files are all identical...

Hope that makes sense.

Huge thanks,

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