
My company has implemented a socket based interface for lucene. To index and query documents you need to construct and xml document and then send it to our "luceneserver" which listens on a socket (can be same machine or different).

I can email this to you if you wish, it is ~2.5Mb including all libs to run it. It is currently licensed under GPL.

btw; installing tomcat to test the lucene webapp locally is not too difficult.

Hamish Carpenter.

Sebastian Fey wrote:


my task is to implement a search engine to a documentation in HTML. the files are not 
online but local.
But the "getting started" guide at lucene-home just explains howto set up lucene with 
tomcat. (ive never set up a webserver)

I was able to create an index of my files, but now the web-frontend is missing. I think its in the luceneweb.war, right?
So, my qustion, how can i use lucene local? Can someone provide a html-frontend? thx in advance,


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