Thank you very much from the was very helpful. After playing around some more, I figured out that my Keyword fields DO get indexed which is why they can be retrieved with a Term query regardless of the analyzer at index time. The problem I discovered was that using a search analyzer with a lower case filter / tokenizer ignores numbers....hence the issue with my UID field. The biggest help was when i discovered the good toString() in the Query class...really helps you see what's going on.

Also, I stepped back from the problem and realized that a search on the "real text" is an end-user activity while operations with my UID are strictly system-level and will be used only by the implementors of the framework....therefore it just made more sense for me to create another cover method for retrieving documents based upon an exact Term called. I definately will be working with the PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper but I've got to devise a strategy to recall my field-types at search-time because my framework is completely unaware of specific fields.

Thanks again for the response...look forward to seeing the book.

On Sunday, February 8, 2004, at 07:27 PM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

On Feb 8, 2004, at 11:13 AM, David Black wrote:
Let's assume I have an object that is composed of the following fields...

UID: 434 (Keyword/Stored)
TITLE: "Java For Dum Dums" (Text/Stored)
AUTHOR: "Fred Smith" - Text/Stored
DESCRIPTION: "This would be a big long field" - Text/Unstored
CONTEXT: "/Resources/Books/Computers & Technology/Languages/Java" - Keyword

In order to let my code handle the dynamic definition of fields, I've been using the MuliFieldQueryParser and have had lots of trouble with the UID field.

I experimented with this thoroughly and discovered that using the word "dog" as a UID works but "a1", "1", etc doesn't.

The trouble with QueryParser & Co. is that it simply analyzes everything. What happens with UID in this case is very analyzer dependent.

It appears that an "untokenized" field is still analyzed for "real" words so my "UID" field which contains a code seems to get treated differently during indexing and searching. I'm I nuts?

You are not nuts. In fact, I dedicated a section of our upcoming Lucene book to this very topic. I'm going to paste the section below.

1. Is the PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper the answer to this and if so, how do I use it?

Yes, it is an answer. Whether it is *the* answer I'm not sure, but PFAW comes in handy.

2. Or would it be better for me to explicitly create a TermQuery for my UID and add it to a boolean query with the MutliFieldQueryParser output of the other fields?

This depends on your use case. This is really a preferable way to do things and makes it more precise. But if users demand free form querying on all fields then life is tougher.

3. Why would a field that was analyzed during indexing not be retrievable during search with the same analyzer.

But UID, as you said above, is a Keyword field. Keyword fields are _not_ analyzed during indexing. Once indexed, there is no knowledge whether a field was analyzed or not, and QueryParser blindly analyzes it all.


Ok, here is the section from Lucene in Action. I'll leave the development of KeywordAnalyzer as an exercise for the reader (although its implementation is trivial, one of the simplest analyzers possible - only emit one token of the entire contents). I hope this helps.


It is very easy to index a keyword, which is simply a single token added to a field that bypasses tokenization and indexed exactly as-is. It is also straightforward to query for a term through the API TermQuery. A dilemma can arise, however, if we expose QueryParser to users and attempts are made to query on Field.Keyword created fields. The “keyword”-ness of a field is only known during indexing. There is nothing special about keyword fields once indexed, as it is simply just another term.

Let’s see the issue exposed with a straightforward test case that indexes a document with a keyword field, and then attempts to find that document again.

public class KeywordAnalyzerTest extends TestCase {
 RAMDirectory directory;
 private IndexSearcher searcher;

 public void setUp() throws Exception {
   directory = new RAMDirectory();

   IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory,
                                        new SimpleAnalyzer(),

   Document doc = new Document();
   doc.add(Field.Keyword("partnum", "Q36"));
   doc.add(Field.Text("description", "Illidium Space Modulator"));

   searcher = new IndexSearcher(directory);

  public void testTermQuery() throws Exception {
   Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("partnum", "Q36"));
   Hits hits =;
   assertEquals(1, hits.length());

So far so good – we’ve indexed a document and are able to retrieve it using a TermQuery. But what happens if we generate a query using QueryParser?

 public void testBasicQueryParser() throws Exception {
   Query query = QueryParser.parse("partnum:Q36 AND SPACE",
                                   new SimpleAnalyzer()); |#1

   Hits hits =;
   assertEquals("note Q36 -> q",
              "+partnum:q +space", query.toString("description"));
   assertEquals("doc not found :(", 0, hits.length());

We’re jumping ahead of ourselves a little by introducing QueryParser into the mix here (see section X.x for elaboration on QueryParser). This emphasizes a key point though: indexing and analysis are intimately tied to searching. The testBasicQueryParser test shows that searching for terms created using Field.Keyword when a query is analyzed is problematic. It’s problematic because QueryParser analyzed the partnum field, but it should not have. To solve this discrepancy, a KeywordAnalyzer is written to tokenize the entire stream as a single token, imitating how Field.Keyword is handled during indexing. We only want one field “analyzed” in this manner, so we leverage the PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper to apply it only to the partnumfield. First let’s look at the KeywordAnalyzer in action as it fixes the situation:

 public void testPerFieldAnalyzer() throws Exception {
   PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper analyzer = new PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(
                                             new SimpleAnalyzer());
   analyzer.addAnalyzer("partnum", new KeywordAnalyzer());   |#1

   Query query = QueryParser.parse("partnum:Q36 AND SPACE",

   Hits hits =;
   assertEquals("Q36 kept as-is",
             "+partnum:Q36 +space", query.toString("description"));
   assertEquals("doc found!", 1, hits.length());


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