SearchBlox is a J2EE Search Component that delivers out-of-the-box search functionality for quick integration with your websites, applications, intranets and portals. SearchBlox uses the Lucene Search API and incorporates integrated HTTP and File System crawlers, support for various document formats, support for indexing and searching content in 17 languages and customizable search results, all controlled from a browser-based Admin Console.

Main features in this release:
- Support for PowerPoint documents
- Support for Polish and Russian language content
- Enhanced HTML document parsing.
- The FREE and BASIC Editions of SearchBlox now support all document formats including Word, PDF, Excel and PowerPoint

SearchBlox is available as a Web Archive (WAR) and is deployable on any Servlet 2.3/JSP 1.2 compliant server. Features in the product include:

Content Features
- Crawlers: can index both HTTP and File-system based content
- Languages: supports English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional)
- Stopwords: separate stopword list for each supported language
- File Types: supports HTML, Word, Excel, PDF, Text, RTF, PowerPoint
- MetaTags: supports standard meta tag fields (title, description, keyword)

Administrator Features
- Web-based Admin Console: easy to use and intuitive console to manage all aspects of the Search application
- Collections: create up to 5 document collections with customized settings
- Look & Feel: search results customizable using XSLT stylesheets. Can also be delivered as XML
- Reporting: real-time reporting with weekly, daily and hourly result sets, top queries and zero match queries
- Schedulers: flexible scheduling of indexing and index-refresh operations

End User Features
- Advanced Search: supports Boolean AND, OR, and NOT searches, Fuzzy and fielded query searches
- Sort: search results can be sorted by date, relevance or alphabetically.
- Hit Highlighting: query terms are highlighted on content title and description
- Collections: users can limit search to specific collections

SearchBlox Getting-Started Guides are available for the following servers:

JBoss -
Jetty -
JRun -
Pramati -
Resin -
Sun -
Tomcat -
Weblogic -
Websphere -

The SearchBlox FREE Edition is available free of charge and can index up to 1000 documents.

The software can be downloaded from

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