Chad Small writes:
> I'm getting this with 3.2:
> javacc-check:
> file:D:/applications/lucene-1.3-final/build.xml:97:
>       ##################################################################
>       JavaCC not found.
>       JavaCC Home: /applications/javacc-3.2/bin
>       JavaCC JAR: D:\applications\javacc-3.2\bin\bin\lib\javacc.jar
>       Please download and install JavaCC from:
>       <>
>       Then, create a file either in your home
>       directory, or within the Lucene directory and set the javacc.home
>       property to the path where JavaCC is installed. For example,
>       if you installed JavaCC in /usr/local/java/javacc-3.2, then set the
>       javacc.home property to:
>       javacc.home=/usr/local/java/javacc-3.2
>       If you get an error like the one below, then you have not installed
>       things correctly. Please check all your paths and try again.
>       java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.javacc.parser.Main
>       ##################################################################
> even though I put a file in my root lucene directory with this in 
> it:
> javacc.home=/applications/javacc-3.2/bin
I never tried javacc 3.2 but I thought there were issues with query parser
and/or standard analyzer.
Seems I'm wrong or outdated.

In your case the problem seems to be installation of javacc.

I guess the /bin directory should not be part of javacc.home.


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