> Do your search queries really result in 1MB of results? Is that a huge
> number of hits or are your fields extremely large?

The fields are not more than a dozen characters long, but there can
easily be several hundred thousand hits. Of course usually only the top
N hits need to be displayed, but somehow you need to determine what
those are...

Currently what I am doing is this: For each field by which one may need
to sort an array of all document IDs is kept, correctly sorted. This
array is built at startup, or rebuilt whenever the index is modified.
When a query is run, the results are stored into a bitset (position =
docid). For each docid in the presorted array I then check if the
corresponding bit in the bitset is set, and if yes, I add the docid to a
list of final results (or directly call some code). This procedure works
and is fast, but rather awkward (wasted memory, complicated
updates...) - hope to replace it one day :-)

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