730 msecs is the correct number for 10 * 16k docs with StandardTokenizer! 
The 11ms per doc figure in my post was for highlighlighting using a \
lower-case-filter-only analyzer. 5ms of this figure was the cost of the \
lower-case-filter-only analyzer.

73 msecs is the cost of JUST StandardTokenizer (no highlighting)
StandardAnalyzer uses StandardTokenizer so is probably used in a lot of apps. It \
tries to keep certain text eg email addresses as one term. I can live without it and \
I suspect most apps can too. I haven't looked into why its slow but I notice it does \
make use of Vectors. I think a lot of people's highlighter performance issues may \
extend from this.

(apologies for the cross-post to lucene-dev - wrong group!)

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