Not sure if our installation is the same or not, but we are also using
I had a similiar problem last week, it occurred after Tomcat went through a
hard restart and some software errors had the website hammered.

I found the lock file in /usr/local/tomcat/temp/ using locate.
According to the README.txt this is a directory created for the JVM within
Tomcat.  So it is a system temp directory, just inside Tomcat.

Hope that helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin A. Burton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:01 PM
To: Lucene Users List
Subject: Re: 'Lock obtain timed out' even though NO locks exist...

James Dunn wrote:

>Which version of lucene are you using?  In 1.2, I
>believe the lock file was located in the index
>directory itself.  In 1.3, it's in your system's tmp
Yes... 1.3 and I have a script that removes the locks from both dirs... 
This is only one process so it's just fine to remove them.

>Perhaps it's a permission problem on either one of
>those folders.  Maybe your process doesn't have write
>access to the correct folder and is thus unable to
>create the lock file?  
I thought about that too... I have plenty of disk space so that's not an 
issue.  Also did a chmod -R so that should work too.

>You can also pass lucene a system property to increase
>the lock timeout interval, like so:
I'll give that a try... good idea.



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