
Could you send along whatever error messages you are


--- Alex Wybraniec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm sorry if this is not the correct place to post
> this, but I'm very
> confused, and getting towards the end of my tether.
> I need to install/compile and run Lucene on a
> Windows XP Pro based machine,
> running J2SE 1.4.2, with ANT.
> I downloaded both the source code and the
> pre-compile versions, and as yet
> have not been able to get either running. I've been
> through the
> documentation, and still I can find little to help
> me set it up properly.
> All I want to do (to start with) is compile and run
> the demo version.
> I'm sorry to ask such a newbie question, but I'm
> really stuck.
> So if anyone can point me to an idiots guide, or
> offer me some help, I would
> be most grateful.
> Once I get past this stage, I'll have all sorts of
> juicer questions for you,
> but at the minute, I can't even get past stage 1
> Thank you in advance
> Alex
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