Lucene Developers

Using org.apache.lucene.search.highlight.Highlighter SRC for Search

The Package.html displays something like this

  String text = hits.doc(i).get(FIELD_NAME);
 TokenStream tokenStream=analyzer.tokenStream(FIELD_NAME,new

On using this SRC My Code Raises an  "NullPointerException " [ The text on
hits.doc(i) is returning this exception ]

I have a piece of code "(refrence from Orielly.com) CustomAnalyser " an
being using it
 other then org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer() ,

1) In the first case [CustomAnalyzer()    ] the text returns me NULL  , the
Hits return me     707.
2) In second  case [ StandardAnalyzer() ] No hits are encountered   ,  the
Hits return's me  0.
3) But on using a normal SearchFiles from demo  ( org.apache.lucene.demo)
revels all the correct 707 hits probables.

Please somebody look into this........


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: org.apache.lucene.search.highlight.Highlighter

Hi Claude, that example code you provided is out of date.

For all concerned - the highlighter code was refactored about a month ago
and then moved into the Sandbox.

Want the latest version? - get the latest code from the sandbox CVS.
Want the latest docs? - Run javadoc on the above.

There is a basic example of highlighter use in the package-level javadocs
and more extensive examples
in the JUnit test that accompanies the source code.

Hope this helps clarify things.


ps Bruce, I know you were interested in providing an alternative Fragmenter
for the highlighter that detects sentence boundaries.
You may want to look at LingPipe which has "a heuristic sentence boundary
( http://threattracker.com:8080/lingpipe-demo/demo.html )
I took a quick look at it but it has its own tokenizer that would be
difficult to make work with
the tokenstream used to identify query terms. At least the code gives some
examples of the
heuristics involved in detecting sentence boundaries. For my own apps I find
the standard Fragmenter
implementation suffices.

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