If you'd provide a succinct JUnit test case (using RAMDirectory and hard-coded values being indexed) I'd be happy to have a look. As it is, this is too convoluted for me to follow.


On Jun 14, 2004, at 12:40 AM, Sumit Mishra wrote:

My requirement to fetch the result with in the date range.
I am filtering the query like to retrieve the date wichi fall between these two year..
bqr.add(QueryParser.parse ("[" + 1978 + " TO " +2000+"]","fullhead",new StandardAnalyzer()),true,false);
i search upon the tag with in <fullhead></fullhead>
This query retrives the record between these two date range along with also select the date wich is of year 2001,2002 etcc.
Could you please help me out what i am doing wrong?

   Here i am giving some sample data

<chron id="t0104415" sorthead="00008250" subject="cine" area="USA">


<p>The gangster film <i>GoodFellas</i>, co&hyphen;written and directed by Martin Scorsese, is released in the USA. It stars Ray Liotta, Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Lorraine Bracco, and Paul Sorvino.</p>


<chron id="t0068037" sorthead="00008630" subject="trea" area="USA, USSR">

<fullhead>31 July 1991</fullhead>

<p>The US president George Bush and the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev sign the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) to reduce their arsenals of long&hyphen;range nuclear weapons by a third.</p>


<chron id="t0141562" sorthead="00016450" subject="stru" area="UK">

<fullhead>1 January 2000</fullhead>

<p>The Millennium Dome in Greenwich, London, England, opens to the public, and is scheduled to remain open throughout 2000. Some 12,500 people visit it on the opening day.</p>


<chron id="t0141561" sorthead="00016460" subject="life">

<fullhead>1 January 2000</fullhead>

<p>The new millennium is celebrated across the world, with fireworks, street parties, ceremonies, and speeches. The millennium bug does not appear to make a large impact, and despite fears of acts of extremism and terrorism, the global celebration passes peacefully.</p>


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