On Jun 22, 2004, at 7:30 AM, Anson Lau wrote:

Hi guys,

Lets say I want to search the term "hello world" over 3 fields with
different boost:

((hello:field1 world:field1)^0.001 (hello:field2 world:field2)^100
(hello:field3 world:field3)^20000))

Note I've given field1 a really low boost, a heavy boost to field2 and a
REALLY heavy boost to field3.

What is happening to me is that a term that matches both field1 and field2,
will have a higher score than a term that matches field3 only, even though
field3's boost is WAY higher.

Can I change this behaviour such that the match in field3 only will actually
have a higher score because of the boost?

First step is to get familiar with the actual factors coming out in the IndexSearcher.explain() output (just System.out.println the Explanation object). The coord() factor - <http://jakarta.apache.org/lucene/docs/api/org/apache/lucene/search/ Similarity.html#coord(int,%20int)> - is what you'll want to tweak to change how scores are affected when multiple terms match by creating your own DefaultSimilarity sublass (and probably just returning 1.0). Read the javadocs for Similarity to see how to hook in your own implementation (see also section).


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