Hey Kevin,

Not sure if you're aware of it, but you can specify the lock dir, so in
your example, both JVMs could use the exact same lock dir, as long as
you invoke the VMs with the same params.  You shouldn't be writing the
same index with more than 1 IndexWriter though (not sure if this was
just a bad example or a real scenario).


--- "Kevin A. Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As per 1.3 (or was it 1.4) Lucene migrated to using java.iot.tmpdir
> to 
> store the locks for the index.
> While under most situations this is save a lot of application servers
> change java.io.tmpdir at runtime.
> Tomcat is a good example.  Within Tomcat this property is set to 
> TOMCAT_HOME/temp..
> Under this situation if I were to create two IndexWriters within two
> VMs 
> and try to write to the same index  the index would get corrupted if
> one 
> Lucene instance was within Tomcat and the other was within a standard
> VM.
> I think we should consider either:
> 1. Using out own tmpdir property based on the given OS.
> 2. Go back to the old mechanism of storing the locks within the index
> basedir (if it's not readonly).
> Thoughts?
> -- 
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