Kevin A. Burton wrote:
During an optimize I assume Lucene starts writing to a new segment and leaves all others in place until everything is done and THEN deletes them?

That's correct.

The only settings I uses are:


the resulting index has 230k files in it :-/

Something sounds very wrong for there to be that many files.

The maximum number of files should be around:

(7 + numIndexedFields) * (mergeFactor-1) * (log_base_mergeFactor(numDocs/minMergeDocs))

With 14M documents, log_10(14M/1000) is 4, which gives, for you:

  (7 + numIndexedFields) * 36 = 230k
   7*36 + numIndexedFields*36 = 230k
   numIndexedFields = (230k - 7*36) / 36 =~ 6k

So you'd have to have around 6k unique field names to get 230k files. Or something else must be wrong. Are you running on win32, where file deletion can be difficult?

With the typical handful of fields, one should never see more than hundreds of files.


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