You can define a subclass of FilterIndexReader that re-sorts documents in TermPositions(Term) and document(int), then use IndexWriter.addIndexes() to write this in Lucene's standard format. I have done this in Nutch, with the (as yet unused) IndexOptimizer.


Aphinyanaphongs, Yindalon wrote:
I gather from reading the documentation that the scores for each document hit are computed at query time. I have an application that, due to the complexity of the function, cannot compute scores at query time. Would it be possible for me to store the documents in pre-sorted order in the inverted index? (i.e. after the initial index is created, to have a post processing step to sort and reindex the final documents).
For example:
Document A - score 0.2
Document B - score 0.4
Document C - score 0.6
Thus for the word 'the', the stored order in the index would be C,B,A.

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