Interestingly (and ironically) enough, the project I'm currently working on requires full-text searching of Word and PDF resumes. SQL Server is already the required database as well, so we are leveraging the full-text indexing capabilities it has. There is a special trick to drop a BLOB into a table which also has a file extension and mime type columns, and have SQL Server index it with its Index Server capabilities. Lucene was not needed, and we made the pragmatic (simplest that worked well) choice.

My recommendation would be to implement something rather than debate it - and if it is good enough, leave it alone, if not then try a different approach :)


On Jul 21, 2004, at 7:29 AM, Anson Lau wrote:

Depending on what MySQL Full-text search support you probably will lose some
of the advance things you get for free from Lucene, such as proximity
search, wildcard search, search term and search field boosting, scoring of
the documents, etc.

Afterall it depends on what you need to do. In our dev team we are actually
currently having a mini debate over whether to use lucene for our project or
write something from scratch that's based on a DB.

We need really good performance. I feel lucene can do our job very well,
some of our guys feel using a DB based search can give us greater
performance on the type of search we do.


-----Original Message-----
From: Florian Sauvin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 8:55 AM
To: Lucene Users List
Subject: Re: Lucene vs. MySQL Full-Text

On Jul 20, 2004, at 12:29 PM, Tim Brennan wrote:

Someone came into my office today and asked me about the project I am
trying to Lucene for -- "why aren't you just using a MySQL full-text
index to do that" -- after thinking about it for a few minutes, I
realized I don't have a great answer.

MySQL builds inverted indexes for (in theory) doing the same type of
lookup that lucene does.  You'd maybe have to build some kind of a
on the front to mimic Lucene's analyzers, but that wouldn't be too

My only experience with MySQLfulltext is trivial test apps -- but the
MySQL world does have some significant advantages (its a known quantity
from an operations perspective, etc)..... Does anyone out there have
anything more concrete they can add?


I'd say that MySQL full text is much slower if you have a lot of data... that is one of the reasons we started using lucene (We had a mysql db to do the search), it's way faster!



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