> I wonder if the information in termPositions or termVector can be used
> to restore token position from indicies?

TermFreqVector gives you term frequencies (not positions). This can be of use in 
computing document 
TermPositions gives you the sequence number . eg in the last sentence the word 
"sequence" was 
token number 5,  (not character position 5). This is used for PhraseQueries to 
determine proximity.

Character position is what is required to do highlighting and this isnt stored 
anywhere currently. 
The requirements for such a store would be indexed access by doc number, and a compact 
of storing term/character position info. This could add considerable size to the index.

Previously we concluded that highlighting is only typically done on the first 10 or so 
records in a result set 
anyway and that re-analyzing the text shouldnt add too much of an overhead. If you 
want to limit the size of
an individual document's text to be tokenized use 
If you find tokenizing slow check you arent using StandardAnalyzer - I have found that 
to be slow
(see http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=lucene-dev&m=108080820315779&w=2 )



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