On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 13:17:10 -0400 (EDT), Stephane James Vaucher 
> Actually, I use a IndexWriter in overwrite mode on the master dir and
> merge the temp dir. This cleans up the old master.

I'm a bit of a Lucene newbie here, and I am trying to understand what
you mean by "merge the temp dir"? Do you copy your exiting Index to
the temp location, then use the overwrite feature of IndexWriter to
re-create the master, then what do you merge? Shouldn't the master
index now have everything?

> I used to way some time (~1 minute) for all searches on the old master to
> finish after redirecting to the temp dir, then I would switch to the new
> master.

I'm going to make this a setting, so that test won't have to wait a
whole minute. But I think this is the cleanest solution without having
to implement some sort of leaseing solution. Our searches should be
fast and 1 minute is a long time. They should all be done by then.

Thanks again,

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