On Aug 20, 2004, at 7:54 AM, Rupinder Singh Mazara wrote:
hi erik

 thanks for the warning and the code.
 Let me re-phrase the question,

i have a index generated by lucene, i need to have the search capabilty
to have a high availabilty. What solutions would be the most optimal

I'm guessing from your descriptions that you want a search server that multiple applications can access. Correct? Is that what you mean by "high availability"?

Take a look at Nutch for examples of doing this kind of thing. And also...

Currentlly i have two senarions in mind
a) setup a RMI based app. that on start-up initializes a IndexSearcher
and waits for invocation of a method like Vector executeQuery(Query )

Lucene has built-in RMI capability, so you don't need to recreate this yourself. Look at RemoteSearchable (and the test cases that use it).

b) create a web based app(jsp/servlet or struts) that initialises the
IndexSearcher object, and stores in the servletContext on intialization, and
all request invoke the Hits search(Query q)

This is ok, but you have the same issues with servlet context (application scope or even session scope) with distributed applications. IndexSearcher, at the very least, should be transient and lazy initialized, perhaps nested under a controller object of your making.

with senario a) i can have more control over updates, insert, and deletes
where as with senario b) has higher availabilty

I disagree with your analysis of those scenarios. Neither has more or less control or availability than the other.

I want to create and store the IndexSearcher object, during initailization
to save on
mutlitple open and reads. once updates are ready signal can be sent to
block further searches while the updates are integrated into the existing

It is a good thing to keep an IndexSearcher instance around for big indexes to save on that I/O, I completely agree. A simple IndexSearcher-encapsulating Java object which lazy initializes and keeps IndexSearcher as a transient would be quite sufficient, I think. Store that object wherever you like - application scope seems to be appropriate for your web application scenario.


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