> is it a problem if the users will search "coffee OR tea" as a search 
> string in the case that MultifieldQueryParser is
> modifyed as Bill suggested?, and the default opperator is set to AND?

No. There's not a problem with the proposed correction to MFQP. MFQP should
work the way Bill suggested.

My babbling about coffee or tea was more aimed at Bill's referring to "darn
users started demanding" <nifty feature>. So this is a totally different
matter. In my experience, many users fall to everyday language traps, like
in: "What do you want to drink, coffee or tea?" The answer normally isn't
'yes' to both, is it?  

I have an app where in some cases I make subqueries for an initial
user-stated query. The aim is to come up with pointers to partial matching
docs. The background is, one ill-advised NOT can ruin a query. But this has
nothing to do with MFQP. Just random thoughts about making users happy even
when they are new to formulating queries :-)


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