Hi Fred,

I think that we can help you if you provide us your code, and the context in which it is used.
we need to see how you open and close the searcher and the reader, and what operations are you doing on index.

 All the best,


Fred Toth wrote:


I have built a nice lucene application on linux with no problems,
but when I ported to windows for the customer, I started experiencing
problems with the index not closing. This prevents re-indexing.

I'm using lucene 1.4.1 under tomcat 5.0.28.

My search operation is very simple and works great:

create reader
create searcher
do search
extract N docs from hits
close searcher
close reader

However, on several occasions, when trying to re-index, I get
"can't delete file" errors from the indexer. I discovered that restarting
tomcat clears the problem. (Note that I'm recreating the index
completely, not updating.)

I've spent the last couple of hours trolling the archives and I've
found numerous references to windows problems with open files.

Is there a fix for this? How can I force the files to close? What's
the best work-around?

Many thanks,


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