hi all,

i have a strange problem with the get and setBoost functions (lucene-1.4.1). i am trying the following code:

Document d1 = new Document();
Field f1 = Field.Text("field", "word");

so if i'am right, this must be an overall boostfaktor of 6.0f for the doc...
if i try to get these boosts with:

Document doc = hits.doc(x);

1.0 is returned in both cases. i dont really know what's wrong. i also tried some other types of Field.XXX , but nothing changed.

Another strange beheaviour is that:

   final float[] scores = new float[1];
   new IndexSearcher(store).search
     (new TermQuery(new Term("field", "word")),
      new HitCollector() {
        public final void collect(int doc, float score) {
          scores[doc] = score;
      for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {

This function returns different scores if the boosts are changed but why aren't these boosts displayed correctly? any ideas?

if i set the d1 and f1 boost to 1.0f (default) the score returned by the HitCollector is 0.3xxx - shouldn't it be exactly 1.0 ?

thanks for your time and kind regards from germany. bastian

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