Hi all, 

I have a Keyword field in my Lucene docs.
And i am tring to execure some queries on this field.

1. MyKeywordField:(["ABC" TO "ABC"]) - this query is OK and returns expecting result 

2. MyKeywordField:(ABC) - but this returning nothing

I am using SimpleAnalyzer - is the problem in analyzer?
  If yes, which i have to use to make query 2 working?

How can i make query 2 working?
I know that Keyword fields are not analyzed, than may be the problem is not in 

But for QueryParser i use again SimpleAnalyzer, may be here is my mistake?

However, how to make a query 2 to work properly (as i expect)?
I know that it will find only fields with exact ABC value, is this true expecting?

Best Regars


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